Why You Don’t Have to Know Everything
Not knowing is a thrill, because it creates space for discovery, surprise, and wonder. This is why you don’t have to know everything.
My Summer Reading List. What Are You Reading?
Summer’s the time to try new things, experience new adventures, and explore new worlds. This is my summer reading list. What’s yours?
Monday Inspiration: Brené Brown, Derek Sivers, Sheryl Sandberg, and More
Monday Inspiration: Links and quotes to empower you to live a courageous week ahead! Brene Brown, Derek Sivers, Sheryl Sandberg, and more.
Sabbath: The Pause in the Rhythm of Creation
The Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, is the pause in the rhythm of creation that moves in cycles and seasons.
Between Jerusalem and Athens
Between Jerusalem and Athens is a 7-part essay series on worldviews. It’s a response to seeing a siloed world; a quest for integration.
Theoretical Dichotomies: When Either-Or Thinking Gets You Nowhere
Theoretical analyses can simplify too much and forget the messy reality they come from. Read more about the downfalls of either-or thinking.
A Child of East and West, Part 2
As an Eastern living in the West, I see myself as a child of East and West. This is part 2 of my story through the lens of these world cultures.
A Child of East and West, Part 1
As an Eastern living in the West, I see myself as a child of East and West. This is my story through the lens of these world cultures.
The Joy of Discovery
Excerpts from Hope Jahren’s Lab Girl on the joy of discovery and the mysterious wonder of the smallness and magnitude of a scientific finding.