From the EQuad to the World
From the Equad to the World is about the segmentation of knowledge and education. It’s an argument for multidisciplinary thinking.
The Book Next Door: Returning to Fiction
Photo credit: Nonfiction is my home department. Until recently, I rarely ventured out of this genre, which admittedly, was informed by the misguided belief that I had ‘graduated’ from my fiction-filled youth. Certainly, a lot of the...
When a Single Narrative Is Not Enough
When a Single Narrative is not Enough is about the danger when it is accepted in pure disregard of other possible narratives.
Confession of a Bookaholic
I buy books at a faster rate than I read. It’s a chronic condition, really. Every time I finish a book, my optimism balloons to a size large enough to eclipse the fact that I have a day job. Sometimes I’m envious of the security guy at my office who seems to be...
Resonance: When Thinking Loves Company
Thinking is a private act and one’s inner life is singularly one’s own. But while there is no twin to our mind—no other mind can mirror the totality of our thoughts—it can find partial reflections in others. This alone can invigorate the whole being. I’m...
A Book Can Change Your Life
A book can change your life. One encounter, leading to a discovery of a new world, then inspiring action in real life.
Image source here. Of all creatures living on this earth, none is more deserving of hatred than mosquitoes. With their buzzing in your ear and biting into your vein, no wonder a small feeling of victory follows when you’ve successfully slapped them dead: you...
The Solitude of Thinking
Photo credit: Sunset Girl My head is my address. I live there, most of the time, alone. Sometimes there are guests, but they’re usually only a few steps inside or peeking in through the window. Introverts Anonymous, anyone? I recently...
The Story In Time
Photo credit: dryicons Time is something fleeting that’s barely felt in the present. Things move and change in time, but in the present, they are often imperceptible because we, the observers, move along with them. Only when we “pause and reflect,”...