Growing Joys

What I wanted to do with the title is the following: "Growing Pains Joys," but apparently Wordpress doesn't allow strikethrough characters on the title. This entry is one that I had meant to write since last summer, and if I did, it would have been titled “Growing...

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More Than Necessary Food

His Word unto me is morning dew the night’s thirst refreshed at the entrance of day His Word unto me is hidden treasure its hunter shares its unveiled splendor His Word unto me is mystery boundless searchable space not yet seen His Word unto me is purging current...

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The Shadow of Excellence

“Academic excellence combined with spiritual excellence.” “Higher than the highest human thoughts can reach is God’s ideal for His children.” These are the ideals that we hold so dear. Following the examples of Daniel, Joseph, and Nehemiah, we desire to achieve and...

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I watched the Passion of the Christ movie for the first time yesterday. As I watched every strike and blow they made, all I could hear over and over again is "with his stripes we are healed." In an age where Christ on the cross is often portrayed in a much cleaned up...

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Testimony of Grace

There with every slide, I see God's grace written all over it. It was God all along who had helped me. Sustained by God Himself and by the prayers of the saints, on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 I passed my program's qualifying exam. I have to write about it, mostly for...

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10 Things I Like About God (Part 2)

These are the second five of the 10 specific things I like about God. 6. The way He is acquainted with the most painful life experiences There is no sadness and grief of mine that exceeds His. I simply love the fact that He came down to earth to live as men live. The...

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10 Things I Like About God (Part 1)

These are the first five of the 10 specific things I like about God. 1. God’s Pursuit When God sets out to pursue humanity, to pursue me, He goes all out, even unto death. Ephesians 2:4-5 - But God--so rich is He in His mercy! Because of and in order to satisfy the...

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The Man I Love the Most

I wish I could wake up and say it was all just a dream. But it’s not. My beloved father is gone and all I have left now is his memory. To many he was a great leader in the church, a supporter of God’s work. To me he was a loving father, who literally laid down his...

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