Monday Inspiration: Brené Brown, Derek Sivers, Sheryl Sandberg, and More
Happy Monday! Or not so happy Monday. I don’t know about you, but I usually need pick-me-ups on Mondays, something inspiring to boost up the week and get me excited about the possibilities that this week can bring. If you’re feeling kind of “meh” today, here are my Monday inspirations! Links and quotes that will inspire you throughout the week. Bookmark them, or consume them in one sitting, up to you. These are the stuffs that have inspired me recently. Enjoy!
Brené Brown
This is an interview with Brené Brown with Chase Jarvis on his 30 Days of Genius series. Incredible conversation on emotional intelligence.
Derek Sivers
On Success Habits and Billionaires with Perfect Abs. An episode from The Tim Ferriss Show where Derek answers questions from fans. The last 3 minutes of this are glorious!
Sheryl Sandberg
A courageous commencement speech at UC Berkeley by Sheryl Sandberg where she talks about facing griefs after her husband’s death last year and learning gratitude. It’s a tear-jerker.
Inspiring Quotes
“Finding your calling will not happen without the aid and assistance of others. Every story of success is, in fact, a story of community.” – Jeff Goins from The Art of Work
“Stand in your God-given personality. Be no other person’s shadow.” – Ellen White in Mind, Character, and Personality Vol. 1
“You’re more powerful than you think you are. Act accordingly.” – Seth Godin
Now have a courageous and inspired week!
Photo credit: Unsplash.com